Angela Jo Colella
Angela Jo Colella

Being perfect is not real… being REAL is perfect!

Angela Jo Colella

Life is an interesting journey which takes you on roads you sometimes never imagined. 

And when you reflect, it is those unexpected turns, detours, and pit-stops, where you learn valuable lessons to becoming the person you are at this very moment.


Life is an interesting journey which takes you on roads you sometimes never imagined. 

And when you reflect, it is those unexpected turns, detours, and pit-stops, where you learn valuable lessons to becoming the person you are at this very moment.


Angela Jo Colella Find your Purpose with God

So…who am I?

First and foremost, I AM a passionate, creative, and resilient child of God. My walk with the Lord is my compass, my true north.

My relationship with my creator has strengthened me, sustained me, and shaped me into all I am today.


  • Blessed to be a mom of 3 amazing and handsome men, who are all happily married to beautiful & loving wives,
  • Blessed to be a Nonna to 7 adorable and loving grandchildren
  • An encourager, a believer in people and dreams, and an empathetic listener
  • A writer, a speaker, a teacher, a leader, an author, and a collaborator
  • A guide to helping you walk in your purpose; to do, to be, and to create all that God has designed you for. 

For over 4 decades, I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of women to encourage, empower, and equip them in whatever they envisioned for their life’s goals.  After countless conversations, I was fired up as a result of their dreams coming to fruition, and was so proud to be walking alongside of them. 

And then I finally realized, WOW…this is my calling! To encourage women to be the best they can be, by walking in their purpose, with a focus on what God is calling them to do!

In 2013, I decided to launch my own speaking and coaching business, and also published a book that same year.  I was beginning to see incredible results and doors opening right before my eyes with exciting opportunities. 

And then, my life was never really the same, after I experienced a traumatic brain injury.  For over a decade, there was confusion and uncertainty.  The chronic headaches, extreme fatigue, lack of focus and processing, became the agenda for most days.  

The TBI, which I later discovered, resulted in fluid around my frontal lobe, which then turned to atrophy, which is usually a precursor for dementia.  I kept on doing life, as best as I could, yet some days felt like I was walking in quicksand…backwards.

I believe everything we go through in life is for a reason.  We can find hope, inspiration, and blessings in every circumstance. I count all the above as a pivotal season in my life, as it gave me a new perspective on how precious each moment is.  

We all have choices and what I learned is through prayer, hope, and positive affirmations, we can accelerate our healing. There are so many lessons I learned during those struggles, and I like to say I discovered ‘a trophy’ in the midst of atrophy.  Actually, numerous trophies, aka, lessons and breakthroughs.

With all the challenges, the greatest gift of all was finding comfort and sustenance in God.  I knew I was going to come through the storm and be stronger as a result. 

I experienced great progress and healing and then after a well-visit in August 2022, I found out I had a brain aneurysm.  Just when you think things are starting to get on course again, I turned the corner to yet still, another speed bump.  Fortunately, I was able to have brain surgery within the month, to help stop the aneurysm from growing.  And I am blessed to say, in April 2023, the tests showed the aneurysm had disappeared!  Praise God!

One month later, in May 2023, I felt led to begin again and share my experiences in a new platform, with a fresh vision, renewed passion, and an inspired purpose. As I result, I launched ‘be BRAVE.’ 

The word B.R.A.V.E. for me is an acrostic which stands for being Bold, Resilient, Authentic, Victorious, and Excellent in everything you do.  My vision is to support young girls and women as they walk in their divine purpose, according to Godly principles. 

God has a powerful way of using our messes for a message, our tests for a testimony, and our pain for a purpose.  I am forever grateful for the struggles as they made me stronger, more faithful, and without a doubt, more BRAVE!!! He continues to be my shaping hand and true north.

Matthew 5:15

You are here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world.

Angela Jo Colella Find your Purpose with God
Angela Jo Colella Find your Purpose with God